Are you a sole practitioner, barrister, or small firm accustomed to orthodox ways of doing things, not knowing where to start with digital services and automation? Perhaps as a first step you need a decent website or a blog. Or you might want to automate administrative processes, the provision of preliminary advice, or the creation of documents but not know where to start. You might want to offer document automation as a lead magnet to get potential clients through the door, you might want an internal document automation tool to enable rapid generation of draft contracts, or you might want a public-facing productised legal service that relies on automation. If any of this rings true, you'll benefit from having someone alongside you who can both build the solutions and, being a lawyer, understands the terrain and speaks your language. 

How I can help

I've been building websites since 2004 and built my first contract automation solution in 2010. Technology has come a long way in the intervening years, making it easier than ever to leverage web services, better serve your audience through digital means, and deploy automation for the benefit of your clients and practice. Indeed, with the rapid march of AI, lawyers and others who don't start better promoting themselves and leveraging automation will, in all likelihood, be left behind. It is astonishing, for example, that many sole practitioners and barristers either have no or minimal web presence or a web presence that looks antiquated and will do little to impress potential clients. Similarly, many if not most lawyers have not invested in automation, resulting in many jobs taking longer, costing more, or being less profitable than they could be due to time write-offs or cost blowouts. It doesn't have to be this way. Digital transformation is now fully within reach of all lawyers, not only the large firms. 

If you're in need of any the following, then turning aspiration into reality is only a phone call or email away:

  • automation advisory services
  • build of a document or advice automation
  • productised legal service build
  • knowledge base site build
  • lawyer website build (like this one if you like!)
  • lawyer directory site build.

I also maintain a service called GravityMerge that developed and sells document automation plugins for WordPress, so if you're technically minded and would like to roll your sleeves up, you might want to check that out.  

Build examples

Lawyer and barrister websites

Automations / productised legal services

Knowledge base sites

Lawyer directories


Here are some of the specific automation tools I've created:

  • Master Services Agreement builder 
  • Government Model Contract builder
  • Mutual Confidentiality Agreement builder
  • Inter-agency MOU builder
  • Information Sharing MOU builder
  • Data Sharing MOU builder
  • Letter of variation builder
  • Website terms of use builder
  • Privacy statement builder
  • Privacy clause builder
  • Terms of use builder for course creators
  • Copyright and disclaimer builders for course creators
  • Privacy statement builder for course creators
  • Threshold privacy assessment tool
  • Tools to assess proposed collections, uses, and disclosures of personal information, health information, and telecommunications information
  • Tools to help agencies respond to Privacy Act access and correction requests
  • Tools to draft licence and readme files for WordPress theme and plugin creators
  • Terms of use builder for WordPress theme and plugin businesses

Get in touch

If you'd like to pick up the phone or flick me an email to talk through a potential project, then please do. I'd be happy to help and we can jump on Zoom or Teams if that makes things easier.